
How to design your logo text using inkscape

Hello there! My first quetion when I first started using inkscape was how to make my own professional logo, I was looking for something like this:

Eventhough I read some tutorials, I didn't find anything for begginers, so I want to contribute with the directions to design a logo with really easy step by step development.
You can also download different images in inkscape format to use them directly yourself.
All images used and uploaded in this blog are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Happy drawing :-)


Step 1: Write the text and select font
Check whether you have the text icon in the left menu, it is represented by the letter "A"; otherwise to start writing you just have to press F8.
Once you have written the text of your logo, you can select the font you want to use for your name, business or project logo.
To select the font you have to use the fonts menu either selecting from the contextual menu on the top or clicking on the "T" icon on the top menu.

Step 2: Colour the text
To colour your text you just use the same tool than for any other object. YOu can select the color icon on your top menu.
You can fill the text with one colour and the use another colour for the border (selecting it on the second tag). You can alo select the width of the border in the third tag.

Step 3: Draw a curved shade for the text
To Draw the shade the first thing you have to do is to duplicate the text in the same place. To do so, copy the text and paste it using ctrl+alt+v.
The next step is to colour the new text with a differente colour, in this case we are using the same colour than for the border.
Next you have to draw a circle on the top of the text to give it the curved form. You can use any other form that you like, for example a start or combined curves.

Once you have drawn the circle, select the circle and the text. Then in the menu Traject select intersection, you will see like the second text you have dranw is cut in the form of the circle:

Step 4: Accentuate the text
Next step is to accentuate the text uing a bubble with the dynamic deviation tool.
Select the text and duplicate it again using ctrl+alt+v.
Now select in the Menu "Text" the command "Convert into text", next select in the Menu "Path" the command "Dynamic deviation".

Next, press ctrl+(   to increase the deviation, or use the anchor with the cursor.
Next change the fill color to white and push it down as in the pictures bellow.

Step 5: Draw a shade
Last step is to create a shade. To do so, draw a circle bellow the logo and fill it with a dark colour. Then , using the radial demoting tool, soften the tone of your shade.
Now your logo is ready!


How to draw a sun using inkscape

Drawing a sun is very easy using inkscape.
You can use multiple desings. Here is the sun we are going to draw today:

If you are a beginner with inkscape, the waving rays may look difficult to draw for you. Be sure that with some hints, you will be able to draw your sun in a couple of minutes.
Bellow you will find step by step directions and you can also download different images in inkscape format to use them directly yourself.
All images used and uploaded in this page are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Happy drawing :-)

 Step 1: Draw a circle using the circle tool

 Step 2: Draw a triangle using the stars tool

  Step 3: Shape the triangle, adjusting the size and simmetry

Step 4: Shape the ray

Tip: you can change the size and strength of the pushing tool in the left top corner, giving different results as you change them.

Step 5: Duplicate the ray
From here you just have to duplicate the ray and have two simmetrics rays.
Then copy the simmetric rays and paste them in the same place with (ctrl+alt+v), then without moving the cursor rotate the new rays in 30 degrees using the rotation tool.
Optional Step 6: Draw the sun face
Using semicircles you can draw a very easy sun face, like the one in the drawing bellow:

You can download an inskscape file with this image done step by step.
Feel free to contact me if you need further directions or if you want to contribute with your drawings and tips.
Happy Drawing :-)


This image has a CC License. Remember to attribute this image to http://freeimagedesign.blogspot.com/